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Our purpose is to multiply appreciation and gratitude in the world. We have evolved to be interconnected, and our health and sense of well-being depends on being acknowledged and seen. Our goal is to have one million people appreciated in the world in 10 years.


Our vision is a world where people share their gratitude for one another and recipients realize how loved they are. If that happened, we’d live in a healthier and more connected world.


Our values are about living the Good Life:

  • Meaning. We all long for a sense of meaning in what we do. We want our actions to matter. Appreciation creates truth and insight for our actions. To both giver and receiver, appreciation says what is important and what matters, and creates more of it. What we appreciate, appreciates.

  • Joy. Appreciation is the practice of pleasure. For the other person, joy comes from being seen and acknowledged as we are, from the feeling of being exactly who we want to be and loved for it. For us, when we pay attention to our appreciation of others, it makes us happy, eases our pain, or lightens our load. Appreciation creates pleasure, for the giver and the recipient.

  • Connection. We live in a disconnected world, busy and inattentive to the things that truly satisfy us. Appreciation nurtures relationships. It reconnects us to ourselves and to each other. Appreciation creates well-being by connecting us to our deeper selves, to what we value, and to the people who matter to us.

"Everything we are doing is good. The only question is how much can we do." —Drew Schrader, founder